Dutch at the highest level

More than language lessons

Although we offer two learning streams with a different national curriculum, we aim for a mirrored learning experience for all children at our school. The Dutch language and culture are intertwined with the origins of this school, which is why we believe it is important to offer Dutch as an additional language in the curriculum of the English stream. Specialised teachers, with a wealth of experience and competences, offer your child excellent Dutch language education.

In the English Stream, 45 minutes of Dutch lessons are provided daily by a subject teacher. During these lessons, the following areas are covered: oral language skills, vocabulary, reading and writing. When a student starts, a distinction is made between different 'entry levels'. When offering Dutch as an extra language, the levels are described as: direction 1, 2 and 3. Children who fall within the category of direction 2 are often linked to direction 1. The term 'direction' refers to the reference level of the pupil's Dutch language skills. In the Reception Class, an appropriate educational offer is provided on the basis of observations. It is a prerequisite that the domains are offered in a meaningful way. At Holland International School, we ensure that the subjects of IPC recur during the Dutch lessons. There is a varied programme that responds to the experiences of the young child through play. 

Explanation of level groups:

Direction 1: The child works directly towards the reference levels for language, comparable to peers in the Netherlands.
Direction 2: The child works towards the language reference levels, but at a later stage. That is, with a delay of up to 2 years.

Direction 3: A direction 3 student, is a child who is more than 2 years behind his peers in the Netherlands/Flanders. With the direction 3 pupil, it is not certain whether he or she will achieve the Dutch reference levels.

A piece of Holland on the equator
Besides the Dutch language, Holland International School offers children a cultural experience, a piece of Holland on the equator. Dutch festivals and traditions are celebrated, but there is a proportionate focus on international holidays and cultural traditions.